Depending on the kind of music you like and listen to you are reflecting what is already inside. People who went through wars and all sorts of troubles they like peaceful music, for it calms their nerves. 

The entire living creation is made of genes, which do remember. Defensive instincts in animals do not come only from the brain, used to coordinate an animal's moves, but from DNA, which dictates that defensive behavior.  

The horrors and ravages of war have influenced human DNA; twisting and turning each molecule via nerves. Life threatening events cause fear. Soldiers involved in a direct combat act on a chemical called adrenaline, which the human system pumps into the bloodstream. This euphoric state, mixed with fear and bravado, blocks the sometimes paralyzing function of fear. In the adrenaline-induced state one can die, like a drug-addict overdosing.    

No matter how much one tries to suppress fear it is secreted in our DNA, but this can be changed. Arts help us cope with these adverse elements. Poetry, theater, symphonic music, piano concertos, films, especially comedies, do eliminate certain types of stress. But, that is God's provision for people who know nothing higher. There is a better way for people of a different caliber. 

Listen to music and Bible teachings. Let your mind immerse itself in another realm, a more peaceful realm, which, contrary to our predecessors' wild imaginations and ideas heaven is indeed one glorious realm of peace. - There was never any war nor ever will be. 

If heaven went through upheavals and some type of a war and God asks us to trust Him... to have His peace... to rely on Him... etc., than what sort of a realm should we think of? A realm where wars and upheavals are as common as those down below? If heaven is not different from our realm then we are doomed without any hope for something better. Yet, it is ingrained in our psyche to make a better world and to improve our lives; so where did this idea of heavenly wars come from?   

We can train our DNA; for anything living in the presently living person does remember; and when we practice this new knowledge and make ourselves aware of the better me, better you and the better tomorrow; then eventually we change the behavior of our genes

I know that many of you don't care either way, Satan, devil, fallen angels, etc., it does not concern you, but there are many a church folk who take it seriously and dogmatically. Yet, it is that fear, and spook that brings them to the point of choosing the life eternal, which Jesus offered, over the Hell, the church also preaches. Then, they close their eyes and fall asleep in peace hoping for the resurrection from the dead on the Last Day. And that's okay. They got only one part of the message and God will see to it that they won't be judged according to their ignorance. And that is the most glorious love of the Creator. 

Others have a much higher call. But are you one for them?     
.................................................................................................................................. - Hear and hear again. Press it down into your genes.

One Response so far.

  1. Anonymous says:

    Danke für diese Worte. So kann ich manches viel besser einordnen um zu verstehen. LG

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