Posted by J.Luxum in
Imagine a drill that bores down through many layers of sand, gravel and rock. The moment the drill comes in contact with these elements it crushes and breaks, and leaves behind what it had encountered. What I said above speaks of this drill. I identified my impatience being hurried by time imagining that squandered time cannot be recovered. Exemplifying an attitude of superiority because to me it all comes by revelation and my spirit grasps it all at once, but the partakers of this revelation “take their sweet time” to comprehend the fresh and new; so it seems. I have gotten frustrated saying, “You still don’t get it?” But again, that is the old me, which the drill just crushed like a stone and left behind while searching and boring down to any other water obstructing layers. I understand the apostles and what they had to go through, especially Paul. It is so easy to fall prey to the pressure of time and circumstances.
In the old days we dug wells but today we drill for oil, gas and water. This picture speaks of the access to something precious. The Kingdom of the plus is that fresh crystal clear water you want to drink so when you come upon all sorts of obstacles you don’t fight with them but bore through them but with what? You bore with love overpowering hate and your bore with joy overpowering sadness; you bore with peace, thus establishing peace. You do not fight war with war, or disquiet with agitation, no. After your attitude of love, peace and joy becomes the standard it becomes a standard for all situations.
[Song of Songs 2:4] He has brought me to his banquet hall, and His banner over me is love.
You are that standard God’s agent on earth, His banner of love. You are that drill that bores through all sorts of layers you may encounter. This is indeed a great challenge for which you must use self-discipline. I have already started this process and now I invite you to follow.
When I see something on TV and a critical thought comes to me; I switch to neutral, “Well, they are as they are, perhaps they do not know yet what I know. It’s okay.” Thus I convert my thoughts. When I try to explain something through the use of a negative counterpart I abstain and find a better way to remain as positive as possible. I don’t look down. I don’t condemn. (These are negatives) I do not have to oppose neither promote something which is unrighteous in God’s eyes. So I leave it up to God. I’d rather stir someone away from something unrighteous, negative or bad and toward something good and positive. It takes the discipline of my thoughts, tongue, and an overall behavior. I even stopped grieving over people. I left the grieving to the Holy Spirit for He revealed to me that I am not even able to grieve the way He does. Interesting, isn’t it? I only get upset, angry or critical. That’s the extent of my grieving. It doesn’t matter that I interpret it as if it is the Holy Spirit’s grieving in me. No. I can feel His grief, but that is only because I am His minister, an agent on earth that can change something bad (using the holy drill) into something good.
God’s vessel on earth carries answered prayers to people.
If I am not in the position to do anything I abstain, for you are still only a human being limited by time, distances and elements. One needs rest, sleep and some enjoyment to be normal. God does not ask you to be a superhuman neither too holy nor too righteous, just a peacemaker on this planet. And although you connect heaven with earth you must find a balance. He expects it of you.
The glorious PLUS Kingdom contains no minuses, which are only found on the planet earth. To a certain extent the Gnostics were trailing the path of truth, but got overly spiritual and lost the balance between heaven and earth. The Essenes trailed the path of truth regarding the kingdom of heaven, but got sidetracked paying to much attention to devils, Satan and wars. The Gnostic influence is also found in the Letter of St. Jude 1:22-23. Gnostics saw anything material as unclean or even as being evil. That’s how easy we can succumb to the influence of the debris we drill through. Instead of drilling through, they went for the seductive sensationalism, which is an attention grabber. Beware of this department in your soul. It is the Holy Spirit speaking to you now. Obey Him and use self-discipline.
Indeed, it takes much of the willpower to overcome those temptations to be showy using this attention grabber. The same goes for those incredible tales just to see a child’s wide-open eyes and dropped jaw. We don’t care that it is not true, yet we do it to impress. I have also trailed this path, one might say quite “successfully” until I came closer to the Truth. My Master has showed me these trappings. Impressing people with vanity is selling something they really don’t need, but they buy it anyway because of the colorful wrappings.
Dr. Joseph Luxum

- J.Luxum
- A long time resident of Jerusalem Joseph Luxum synchronizes the Bible and makes it into one logical sense, but often outside any well-tread paths of theology. His writings help to open the reader’s mind to things not yet considered.
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