Posted by J.Luxum in
In the New Jerusalem after the great judgment day, we shall enjoy only light and there shall be no need for moon and stars for darkness shall be no more. Without darkness time itself also ceases; for the night (with its darkness) is the actual measure of time.
Picture a lost traveler in the Sahara desert exhausted from heat, dehydrated and delirious who suddenly sees a mirage - an oasis: He runs toward it, but never finds what he thinks he beholds. Does that mean that an oasis is non-existent? – Of course not, for an oasis exists and is real, only not at that particular location and time. It is a play of mind that makes someone believe the imagined object was real, an illusion of sought-after substance.
Ignoring the Creator can be dangerous, especially when your ancestors carry genes marked by the everlasting covenant, like the one God made with Abraham. So many people, and quite unaware so, carry these genes. Even if there is one tiny DNA strand echoing that eternal covenant with Israel; that one DNA strand beckons you back to the One who created you. It is important to understand that the seeking and finding of the lost sheep of Israel has something to do with this.
Some desire to join this covenant, but only to extract the financial blessings from it, as if they had a choice. They pick and choose having no covenant with the real God, but rather with the god of their own choice, this is what the pagan nations have done this in the past and continue to do to this today.
When you carefully examine the scriptures, long before Abraham, God made a covenant with Adam. God even made a covenant with Cain and for that reason He appointed him a sign. Based on these covenants each DNA strand, or gene beckons one to return as it were. None of the pre-Abrahamic people returned except Noah. Nonetheless, has the Creator of all things lose His rights just because we embrace another god called Evolution or the Big Bang? Consider that the fulfilling of your inner peace may be dependent on the decision to return to God the Creator and stop picking what suits your natural man.
In the flood the Lord did not destroy illusion, but its missionaries, the wicked people. No wonder that we shall be judged separately from God's angels. No wonder that Ananias and Sapphira fell dead at the feet of Peter. No wonder that the unclean spirits and souls of the dead with their evil images and seducing lusts were transferred from the possessed man into the herd of swine, and again, as in Noah's time were destroyed in water.
Picture a lost traveler in the Sahara desert exhausted from heat, dehydrated and delirious who suddenly sees a mirage - an oasis: He runs toward it, but never finds what he thinks he beholds. Does that mean that an oasis is non-existent? – Of course not, for an oasis exists and is real, only not at that particular location and time. It is a play of mind that makes someone believe the imagined object was real, an illusion of sought-after substance.
Ignoring the Creator can be dangerous, especially when your ancestors carry genes marked by the everlasting covenant, like the one God made with Abraham. So many people, and quite unaware so, carry these genes. Even if there is one tiny DNA strand echoing that eternal covenant with Israel; that one DNA strand beckons you back to the One who created you. It is important to understand that the seeking and finding of the lost sheep of Israel has something to do with this.
Some desire to join this covenant, but only to extract the financial blessings from it, as if they had a choice. They pick and choose having no covenant with the real God, but rather with the god of their own choice, this is what the pagan nations have done this in the past and continue to do to this today.
When you carefully examine the scriptures, long before Abraham, God made a covenant with Adam. God even made a covenant with Cain and for that reason He appointed him a sign. Based on these covenants each DNA strand, or gene beckons one to return as it were. None of the pre-Abrahamic people returned except Noah. Nonetheless, has the Creator of all things lose His rights just because we embrace another god called Evolution or the Big Bang? Consider that the fulfilling of your inner peace may be dependent on the decision to return to God the Creator and stop picking what suits your natural man.
In the flood the Lord did not destroy illusion, but its missionaries, the wicked people. No wonder that we shall be judged separately from God's angels. No wonder that Ananias and Sapphira fell dead at the feet of Peter. No wonder that the unclean spirits and souls of the dead with their evil images and seducing lusts were transferred from the possessed man into the herd of swine, and again, as in Noah's time were destroyed in water.
Dr. Joseph Luxum

- J.Luxum
- A long time resident of Jerusalem Joseph Luxum synchronizes the Bible and makes it into one logical sense, but often outside any well-tread paths of theology. His writings help to open the reader’s mind to things not yet considered.
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