Posted by J.Luxum in
[1 John 3:21] But he who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God.
God's perception is TRUE. Anything we do to impress, does not affect Him at all for these are reflections of immaturity, empty, fading away images and self-made illusions.
The world is the way we perceive it therefore it can change according to the knowledge our intellect can grasp, be it true or false, filled with suffering or well-being. Also our visions - the way we view things - can be of God or of our own selves: they are either true or a mere illusion. It is important to learn to differentiate between truth and illusion, to lay the foundation for further knowledge. Foe example a vision can be self-made or God-made, or God given, like the one God gave to Peter in Joppa, one is true the other may be illusion. One represents something true, which God tries to make us aware of, while the other self-induced only to satisfy the cravings of self and ego. I know about it because I went through it. I have learned to distinguish between anything self-made and God-made. But before we go any further we must differentiate between truth and illusion.
1. Truth is eternal, real, tangible and perceivable. It will never pass away.
2. Whatever remains is true, therefore as real as life itself.
3. Whatever passes away and disappears is an illusion.
4. Truth is the light and is always triumphant; it stands firm and does not need to hide for it is THE positive force. A lie seeks to hide in darkness for it is always insecure.
5. Light remains forever while darkness is temporary and its mission is to emphasize, or sharpen the light.
6. Truth is eternal and it alone is THE REALITY.
7. Truth never fails.
7. A lie puts on garments of truth in order to mislead.
8. It is the Spirit of truth that recognizes darkness disguised as light or anything that appears to be true on the surface whose inner content is false.
9. Illusion is also created for entertainment and never to be taken seriously. It is there for those with a sense of humor and with the ability to think abstractly.
10. Children play with illusion in their imaginations until they mature; that is when the true or real appearance or character of things replaces the figments of their imagination. Therefore illusion is there for a purpose.
Truth can never be bent to suit an ego or satisfy vain ambitions; hence, God does not answer many people’s prayers - for the fulfillment of one’s desires might only be detrimental. God is love, which means He cares and knows better. We must worship in the Spirit of Truth, but our tendency is to worship in places and then we tend to venerate those places above other places, which results in vain competitions (John 4:22-24). Such competitions are never of the Truth, but rather self and ego. God knows all distances and time plays no role in His mind. He sees it all at once. Sometimes He allows even little children to die for an inexplicable reason; He knows the future; we don’t. Jesus said in John 18:37b, “Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” Many people are so filled with denials, craftiness and scheming that they don’t even know themselves; they indeed grope in darkness; they are not of the truth, but of illusion, one might call them habitual liars. Those who are of the truth and walk in the truth walk in light, for they have nothing to hide. The question then arises: Am I of the truth?
There is no way that we would ever become independent from God. Whether we like it or not, we exist because of Him (Acts 17:28). No matter how much we want to believe that we are completely self-determined creatures, the fact remains: we are wholly dependent on Him. We must study Him and see Him as He really is, we must start to recognize the truth about Him.
Most people entertain ludicrous ideas about God. They view God as some cosmic being, cold and distant therefore often placed in a category of unfamiliar power. Too often people’s approach to God is sci-fi like (Science-Fiction), or ritualistic, because religion taught them so. In their mind God is distant, angry and constantly busy punishing us. God has been portrayed as the one who expects or even demands our bowing, fasting, kneeling, candles, incense, special incantations, somber singing, serious faces etc. The worshiper cannot approach God except with some special prayer book and only with some specifically formulated words. Every religion of the world deals with such habits and rituals.
True knowledge about God liberates. He who truly KNOWS has no fear at all for he knows that he is accepted and free to commune with God the Father. Only duality, even pluralities of ideas separate us from the one God; and these ideas indeed create a cold distance between God and man.
Is God so mysterious and so far from us that we must guess who He might be? As far as I’m concerned I was not born to speculate. Guessing is an acceptable strategy before being familiar with more complex mathematics but once your understanding of mathematics matures, guessing then becomes dispensable. You will not pass a math exam by guessing.
As you can see we are approaching a verification of knowledge and the demonstration of its power, without which it is all a put-on religious show. This kind of illusion loses steam these days anyway. People have already started to think for themselves and stand on their own two feet, they seek the truth they have discovered the desire to learn the truth and many seek it. They find it in the God-given logic. Any blind beliefs begin to fall off as our spiritual IQ rises.
False beliefs and suppositions came to us in a beautiful package of religious indoctrination. Anything well organized tends to organize some more, like a noose around our neck; it becomes tighter and tighter until it cuts off the heavenly flow of blood to our brains. Our hearts grow cold and then the spiritual man dies. Here you have the answer. Ritual religion kills personal and affectionate relationship with our heavenly Father. A cold and fearful heart is not fit to accept the new knowledge; first it must be broken like a stone, and then a new heart out of flesh must be created. I pray that a new heart, new knowledge and fresh revelation would captivate your imagination to the point that any other 'image' you might have made, or still are busy making, would become a true one; that any notion about God would proceed from the actual knowing.
It has been God's way allowing us to accept the mixture of both the false and true and of the imperfect in order to replace it with the absolute Truth later on. This day has finally arrived.
[John 4:24] “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
Truth will never change or disappear simply because it dwells in the unchangeable realm. Unlike the time oriented things on earth the Truth is not subject to changes, modifications or alterations. Water and air does not rut it. Time does not crumble nor makes it rot. God changes not, therefore His truth remains unchanged. It is to the Truth we must cling to and subject ourselves; otherwise we will be tossed like a dead leaf by every wind of doctrine.
The knowledge of truth produces freedom. What follows is true liberty, which is provided by no one else, but the Spirit of Truth the Holy Spirit.
[John 16:13] “But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.”
Truth will never change nor disappear simply because it dwells in the unchangeable realm. Unlike time-oriented things on earth the Truth is not subject to changes, modifications or alterations; it does not crumble with time. God changes not, therefore His truth remains unchanged. It is to the Truth we must cling to and subject ourselves; otherwise we will be tossed like a dead leaf by every wind of doctrine.
The knowledge of truth produces freedom. What follows is true liberty, which is provided by no one else, but the Spirit of Truth the Holy Spirit.
[John 16:13] “But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.”
Once you take hold of the truth you will never let go, for you shall be sealed with the seal of God Himself. The angels see the Seal of Truth and respect it. Angels cannot respect confusion or mixtures; they are appointed by God to look for the “sealed with the truth ones” in order to guard them from harm, for these are truly God’s emissaries.
Truth liberates us from falsehood (John 8:32). Truth convicts us of sin and righteousness (John 16:8). Truth sanctifies us and sets us apart (John 17:17). Truth is given to us in pledge and seals us for the day of the final redemption (Ephesians 1:13-14). There are two redemptions, the payment and possession. Jesus paid for us already, and soon He will come again to possess that for which He already paid.
[Revelations 9:3-4] Then out of the smoke came locusts upon the earth, and power was given them, as the scorpions of the earth have power. They were told not to hurt the grass of the earth, nor any green thing, nor any tree, but only the men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.
Truth is the reality because it is not subject to change or corruption. Being sealed with the truth is to walk with a mind dipped in the heavenly realm.
Illusion is temporary and it functions only in this domain of time. Outside of this physical and time-restricted realm illusion is nonexistent. Therefore, those that walk according to the flesh carry illusory properties, which can be easily taken advantage of. Those that walk according to the Spirit, not only do not fulfill the lusts of the flesh, they sin not and carry no illusory properties, but rather God’s truth.
God's perception is TRUE. Anything we do to impress, does not affect Him at all for these are reflections of immaturity, empty, fading away images and self-made illusions.
The world is the way we perceive it therefore it can change according to the knowledge our intellect can grasp, be it true or false, filled with suffering or well-being. Also our visions - the way we view things - can be of God or of our own selves: they are either true or a mere illusion. It is important to learn to differentiate between truth and illusion, to lay the foundation for further knowledge. Foe example a vision can be self-made or God-made, or God given, like the one God gave to Peter in Joppa, one is true the other may be illusion. One represents something true, which God tries to make us aware of, while the other self-induced only to satisfy the cravings of self and ego. I know about it because I went through it. I have learned to distinguish between anything self-made and God-made. But before we go any further we must differentiate between truth and illusion.
1. Truth is eternal, real, tangible and perceivable. It will never pass away.
2. Whatever remains is true, therefore as real as life itself.
3. Whatever passes away and disappears is an illusion.
4. Truth is the light and is always triumphant; it stands firm and does not need to hide for it is THE positive force. A lie seeks to hide in darkness for it is always insecure.
5. Light remains forever while darkness is temporary and its mission is to emphasize, or sharpen the light.
6. Truth is eternal and it alone is THE REALITY.
7. Truth never fails.
7. A lie puts on garments of truth in order to mislead.
8. It is the Spirit of truth that recognizes darkness disguised as light or anything that appears to be true on the surface whose inner content is false.
9. Illusion is also created for entertainment and never to be taken seriously. It is there for those with a sense of humor and with the ability to think abstractly.
10. Children play with illusion in their imaginations until they mature; that is when the true or real appearance or character of things replaces the figments of their imagination. Therefore illusion is there for a purpose.
Truth can never be bent to suit an ego or satisfy vain ambitions; hence, God does not answer many people’s prayers - for the fulfillment of one’s desires might only be detrimental. God is love, which means He cares and knows better. We must worship in the Spirit of Truth, but our tendency is to worship in places and then we tend to venerate those places above other places, which results in vain competitions (John 4:22-24). Such competitions are never of the Truth, but rather self and ego. God knows all distances and time plays no role in His mind. He sees it all at once. Sometimes He allows even little children to die for an inexplicable reason; He knows the future; we don’t. Jesus said in John 18:37b, “Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” Many people are so filled with denials, craftiness and scheming that they don’t even know themselves; they indeed grope in darkness; they are not of the truth, but of illusion, one might call them habitual liars. Those who are of the truth and walk in the truth walk in light, for they have nothing to hide. The question then arises: Am I of the truth?
There is no way that we would ever become independent from God. Whether we like it or not, we exist because of Him (Acts 17:28). No matter how much we want to believe that we are completely self-determined creatures, the fact remains: we are wholly dependent on Him. We must study Him and see Him as He really is, we must start to recognize the truth about Him.
Most people entertain ludicrous ideas about God. They view God as some cosmic being, cold and distant therefore often placed in a category of unfamiliar power. Too often people’s approach to God is sci-fi like (Science-Fiction), or ritualistic, because religion taught them so. In their mind God is distant, angry and constantly busy punishing us. God has been portrayed as the one who expects or even demands our bowing, fasting, kneeling, candles, incense, special incantations, somber singing, serious faces etc. The worshiper cannot approach God except with some special prayer book and only with some specifically formulated words. Every religion of the world deals with such habits and rituals.
True knowledge about God liberates. He who truly KNOWS has no fear at all for he knows that he is accepted and free to commune with God the Father. Only duality, even pluralities of ideas separate us from the one God; and these ideas indeed create a cold distance between God and man.
Is God so mysterious and so far from us that we must guess who He might be? As far as I’m concerned I was not born to speculate. Guessing is an acceptable strategy before being familiar with more complex mathematics but once your understanding of mathematics matures, guessing then becomes dispensable. You will not pass a math exam by guessing.
As you can see we are approaching a verification of knowledge and the demonstration of its power, without which it is all a put-on religious show. This kind of illusion loses steam these days anyway. People have already started to think for themselves and stand on their own two feet, they seek the truth they have discovered the desire to learn the truth and many seek it. They find it in the God-given logic. Any blind beliefs begin to fall off as our spiritual IQ rises.
False beliefs and suppositions came to us in a beautiful package of religious indoctrination. Anything well organized tends to organize some more, like a noose around our neck; it becomes tighter and tighter until it cuts off the heavenly flow of blood to our brains. Our hearts grow cold and then the spiritual man dies. Here you have the answer. Ritual religion kills personal and affectionate relationship with our heavenly Father. A cold and fearful heart is not fit to accept the new knowledge; first it must be broken like a stone, and then a new heart out of flesh must be created. I pray that a new heart, new knowledge and fresh revelation would captivate your imagination to the point that any other 'image' you might have made, or still are busy making, would become a true one; that any notion about God would proceed from the actual knowing.
It has been God's way allowing us to accept the mixture of both the false and true and of the imperfect in order to replace it with the absolute Truth later on. This day has finally arrived.
[John 4:24] “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
Truth will never change or disappear simply because it dwells in the unchangeable realm. Unlike the time oriented things on earth the Truth is not subject to changes, modifications or alterations. Water and air does not rut it. Time does not crumble nor makes it rot. God changes not, therefore His truth remains unchanged. It is to the Truth we must cling to and subject ourselves; otherwise we will be tossed like a dead leaf by every wind of doctrine.
The knowledge of truth produces freedom. What follows is true liberty, which is provided by no one else, but the Spirit of Truth the Holy Spirit.
[John 16:13] “But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.”
Truth will never change nor disappear simply because it dwells in the unchangeable realm. Unlike time-oriented things on earth the Truth is not subject to changes, modifications or alterations; it does not crumble with time. God changes not, therefore His truth remains unchanged. It is to the Truth we must cling to and subject ourselves; otherwise we will be tossed like a dead leaf by every wind of doctrine.
The knowledge of truth produces freedom. What follows is true liberty, which is provided by no one else, but the Spirit of Truth the Holy Spirit.
[John 16:13] “But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.”
Once you take hold of the truth you will never let go, for you shall be sealed with the seal of God Himself. The angels see the Seal of Truth and respect it. Angels cannot respect confusion or mixtures; they are appointed by God to look for the “sealed with the truth ones” in order to guard them from harm, for these are truly God’s emissaries.
Truth liberates us from falsehood (John 8:32). Truth convicts us of sin and righteousness (John 16:8). Truth sanctifies us and sets us apart (John 17:17). Truth is given to us in pledge and seals us for the day of the final redemption (Ephesians 1:13-14). There are two redemptions, the payment and possession. Jesus paid for us already, and soon He will come again to possess that for which He already paid.
[Revelations 9:3-4] Then out of the smoke came locusts upon the earth, and power was given them, as the scorpions of the earth have power. They were told not to hurt the grass of the earth, nor any green thing, nor any tree, but only the men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.
Truth is the reality because it is not subject to change or corruption. Being sealed with the truth is to walk with a mind dipped in the heavenly realm.
Illusion is temporary and it functions only in this domain of time. Outside of this physical and time-restricted realm illusion is nonexistent. Therefore, those that walk according to the flesh carry illusory properties, which can be easily taken advantage of. Those that walk according to the Spirit, not only do not fulfill the lusts of the flesh, they sin not and carry no illusory properties, but rather God’s truth.
Dr. Joseph Luxum

- J.Luxum
- A long time resident of Jerusalem Joseph Luxum synchronizes the Bible and makes it into one logical sense, but often outside any well-tread paths of theology. His writings help to open the reader’s mind to things not yet considered.
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