Posted by J.Luxum in
[Philippians 4:8] … whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things …
Dear friend,
May this year 2013 be the most glorious in your life.
God’s call on this ministry is not just to make you feel good, preach or teach, but above all to open the realm of the heavenly peace. This peace, unlike any other peace, heals and restores. What you are about to receive are pearls of great value. How do I know that? Here is the story.
From time to time I experience visitations from heaven. And, regardless how one might want to interpret “my claims” this is my testimony and my testimony is true. What the Lord Jesus reveals to me is not an everyday occurrence. He comes at special seasons and when He does; He gives me the understanding that one chapter in my life has been completed and another is opening up. In the middle of the night, sometimes around 3 or 4 AM His presence fills the house. Our humble abode glistens. It is not a physical light, but indeed an illumination of our spirit and mind.
God loves sharing. The more we share the better, because the Spirit of Life must flow from one vessel to another. Holding things inside is never good, for God did not make us to be into our selves; hence from birth we learn to nurture and share. An information exchange can either glorify or demean us. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with being glorious it is God’s will to glorify you, but in His glory and never your own.
A pious humility, and self abasing practices, feeling unworthy etc., is not from our heavenly Father, but from religion. The spirit of religion may keep you in bondage to the point of blindness.
If heaven experienced rebellion (of Lucifer) and the casting out of heaven of one third of angels, then this intelligent question makes one think: how do you count one third from a myriad? How can you expel a spirit, wind, and flame out of a limitless and space-less realm? You can expel someone from a club, house, or a church, which means a building with doors and thresholds, which means that beyond the door and threshold is another space and territory. Passing from one enclosure into another. If heaven were unstable than why would God ask us to trust Him and be stable? If heaven already has or will experience upheavals, rebellions or wars; than why in John 14:27 Jesus tells us to not be troubled nor fearful but to embrace His kind of peace; is there another heaven or realm of complete peace?
Do not be afraid to ask these questions for without them you will be stuck in man’s religion, just as you would be stuck with that pill a doctor prescribed to you. Yet, beyond the pill, the doctor and human knowledge is our Creator who works miracles today and loves to lift His children from obscurity and any fleshly bondages, which are too often misplaced beliefs in the power of medical science or otherwise.
The kingdom of peace is here and it is sealed with words that speak of this kingdom not just in logical terms.
We ate of the Tree of Knowledge (good and evil) of contrasts; one knowledge or awareness of anything positive and the other of something negative. We ate first the negative fruits and reaped the consequences. Each fruit has a seed, which when planted can produce a tree of the same kind. It’s time to learn the other knowledge that comes from the same tree – the knowledge of good; and not only consume the fruits, but plant their inner core’s seed each in others. Your righteousness is not to be enjoyed all by yourself and then be proud for being a ‘good boy and girl’, but above all to plant the seed of righteousness in others.
The Hebrew word SHALOM is much more than just peace. In that word alone we have all the blessings God has prepared for us; hence, the last word in the benediction of Aaron (Numbers 6:22-26) is PEACE. God can’t wait to bless you. But, think and imagine; you need money and more money, better health, more fun and joy. That’s normal. Now, imagine that you have it all. All that you have wished for is there. Palm trees… the tropics… you have been there already, but it all ends and then you return to what? There we stop. It all depends on what you return to from your vacation. If God was not with you on your vacation, but only the physical senses, drinks, dancing, beach and sunsets; you return to only the absence of these things: sun, sea breeze, swimming, exploring, playing, waiters serving you food and exotic drinks, perhaps spa, massage relaxation etc. All temporary things, which are fine, we need these things, but those who made these things their reality only hasten their demise. One of those guys was the actor Marlon Brando, who bought himself an Island just to be lazy. During his lazy days he thought of nothing else but much of the same, so he ballooned and died. Before he died he came across as proud and conceited. When there is nothing more than just the natural elements, sun, beach, sex, drink and food then we stuff ourselves with the pride of life, which destroys us.
There is a higher way, so high that some—who look at their own natural abilities—doubt that they can ever reach those heights I am about to reveal.
By way of a reminder: 1 John 1:8-10 speaks of the start of our journey, which starts with sin confession. 1 John 5:18 ends with being born of God the Spirit and not sinning anymore; and here many “theologians” get blocked and can go no further. They say that it will never happen, for they will always sin ... they imagine. Obviously something makes them say it, perhaps it is the sin they have fallen in love with?
Sin is the way of pain and that’s what God seeks to save us from. Harm. He does not want you to suffer one single second of your entire life. He seeks to lift you up to His reality and so He uses all sorts of tools and channels jus to make you think, speak, decide and practice. He beckons you. He invites you. He wants you to drill His Kingdom like you would drill the ground searching for water. His love for you is immense. His care is enormous. He is both the Father and Mother, a nurturer, bestower of gifts and lavisher of only the most glorious and sublime.
Here are just few of the “drill bits” that bore into the realm of positive thinking: Abundant Admirable Adorable Affluent Agreeable Alert Aligned Alive Amazing Appealing Appreciate Artistic Astounding Attentive Attractive Auspicious Authentic Awake Aware Beaming Beautiful Best Blessed Bliss Bold Bright Brilliant Brisk Buoyant Calm Capable Centered Certain Charming Cheerful Clear Clever Competent Complete Confident Connected Conscious Considerate Convenient Courageous Creative Daring Dazzling Delicious Delightful Desirable Determined Diligent Discerning Discover Dynamic Eager Easy Efficient Effortless Elegant Eloquent Energetic Endless Enhancing Engaging Enormous Enterprising Enthusiastic Enticing Excellent Exceptional Exciting Experienced Exquisite Fabulous Fair Far-Sighted Fascinating Fine Flourishing Fortunate Free Friendly Fulfilled Fun Generous Genuine Gifted Glorious Glowing Good Graceful Gracious Grand Great Happy Harmonious Healed Healthy Helpful Honest Humorous Ideal Imaginative Impressive Industrious Ingenious Innovative Inspired Intelligent Interested Interesting Intuitive Inventive Invincible Inviting Irresistible Joyous Judicious Keen Kind Knowing Limitless Lively Loving Lucky Luminous Magnificent Marvelous Masterful Mighty Miraculous Motivated Natural Neat Nice Nurturing Noble Optimistic Outstanding Passionate Peaceful Perfect Persevering Persistent Playful Pleasing Plentiful Positive Powerful Precious Prepared Productive Profound Prompt Prosperous Proud Qualified Quick Radiant Reasonable Refined Refreshing Relaxing Reliable Remarkable Resolute Resourceful Respected Rewarding Robust Safe Satisfied Secure Sensible Sensitive Serene Sharing Skillful Smart Smashing Smooth Sparkling Spiritual Splendid Strong Stunning Successful Superb Swift Talented Tenacious Terrific Thankful Thrilling Thriving Timely Trusting Truthful Ultimate Unique Valuable Versatile Vibrant Victorious Vigorous Vivacious Vivid Warm Wealthy Well Whole Wise Wonderful Worthy Youthful Zeal Zest.
But there is another list of thoughts and words that penetrate God’s Kingdom and His nature. Some of them are: caring, nurturing, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, humility, conscientiousness, consideration, patience, forbearing, healing, touching, blessing, appreciating, praising, thanking, giving, investing, hugging, kissing, rejoicing, favor, bestowing, beloved, excellence, holy zeal, righteousness, lavishing, forgiveness, peacemakers, sons of God, children-like, innocence, etc. The list is endless, but these are the drill bids we should always use. These are keys that open the gates of unsurpassed happiness. It is yes and amen.
‘If you would only discipline your thoughts, tongue and actions; you would enter this realm’ Jesus has revealed to me that fateful night. He said, “If you would only discipline your words caliber, how you speak and communicate, abstaining from all negativism you will become sublime in a very short time, provided that you passionately apply yourself in this task. This is your decision and choice. Choose life, which is in you already.”
Very quickly Jesus brought to my attention two verses. (It’s good to know the Bible.)
It is all in you my friend. Tap into it today. But you may ask me, “how?” There is nothing to do. No hard work. It is the same like filling your mind with sensual novels, crime, violence, empty gossip, but in the opposite way. Instead of dwelling on something negative, sick, and killing things dwell on life and its improvement; dwell on anything uplifting with thanksgiving. Use self-discipline for your thought processes and watch over the gate of your mouth. What comes out is usually what already has come in even since your childhood and also from your predecessors. Certain expressions have made it into your vocabulary and perhaps you have stopped paying attention to these often very negative expressions. ‘By our words we are justified or condemned’ Jesus said in Matthew 12:37. Suppression of anything bad or fighting against is a form of competition between one bad thing versus another bad thing and each thing claims to be better than the other. Thus, through this combative attitude we only promote war. One declared war against another war leads to an inner war, which on the surface looks calm and composed, but utter devastation is the result of war. For a short period people use wisdom, but often too late. Death, starvation, disease, destruction… Then come sentiments like revenge, animosity, feelings of injustice, prejudice, unforgiveness, hatred… These remain in another war zone, which is on the inside.
Through these letters the Lord provides us with keys to the door of complete peace – outer and inner. This year (2013) is the year of Joseph, the 13th tribe of Israel. In that tribe are Ephraim and Manasseh, but above all the Great Prince of Peace, Lord Jesus and He is ready to heal you.
Now, it is true that on a political level, people must fight defensive wars, but that’s the reality on the ground. Within this world’s masses, which is the field (Matthew 13:38), there are the war-makers, aggressors, thieves and killers; and had there been no laws, these types would make this life most miserable, but there are also the peacemakers, and that’s you and me. We change the course of this world, politically and through our message. If we do nothing, we would also let ourselves be destroyed.
We, as peacemakers, must take the reigns in our hands. When we relax our grip the destroyers, in their greed, will pollute this planet and bring ruin. So, no matter on what level we function: political, artistic or religious we must look after the needs of those most vulnerable; especially for our children and their future. This is our mission in this world, for as long as Abraham’s Nephew Lot resided in Sodom the twin cities stood, but in terms of righteousness he hardly exerted any influence on others. Had it not been for Abraham’s intercession Lot and his family would have perhaps perished. There were not even ten righteous. You might say that all of us are unrighteous, then if that’s so than we are all doomed for destruction. I am righteous. My wife is righteous and I know that you are too. We meet the standard requirements of God’s righteousness (because of Jesus).
We are peacemakers and we must spread God’s peace and teach others. If we don’t then we will have to run to safer places, but any territory of decency and any righteousness that’s still left will drastically shrink. So, where will you run? If you do nothing then who will – tares or the field?
Being against is a negative device; even when used against something bad. Pray FOR (not against) those who are against (persecute) you – Jesus said (Matthew 5:44). We grew up with wars, which runs in our DNA. War is part of our language and common expressions (‘dead end, my feet are killing me, I am dead serious, etc.’) Negative against negative perpetuate a state of unrest in your soul and then your soul is so frustrated that it wants to vent it all out. It is your mind that tries to vent those frustrations with words, and even with angry yells. People are boiling on the inside and that boiling pot only needs an opportunity to blow up and spill out its contents on others. For example: someone who takes him or herself for a smart theologian, a ‘know-it-all’ type, would lash out at someone who too quickly crashes his ‘important’ views. The pompous pride will make people explode. When self-control is not applied because there’s nothing better inside that can be used, people burst out in anger. That’s how marriages go down, families get divided and also church fellowships. And they way of peace they have not known and still do not know nor ever want to know (Isaiah 59:8 Romans 3:17).
On that fateful night about 3 AM Jesus said to me, “If you abstain from any counterparts—even to emphasize a point, which you are making in your speech or teaching—you will drill deep into the supernatural realm. As long as you use counterparts like contrasts, something of the plus and then of the minus, then you will keep on “eating” (use) from both types of the Tree of Knowledge. The secret is to not “eat” of anything negative at all, which is quite a challenge, but if you discipline your mind and your mouth you will only sharpen your drill and proceed faster and will drill deeper in My Kingdom.”
This opened up to me a brand new chapter, which I will share with you throughout the year 2013. This knowledge belongs only to the supporters of this ministry. Your support makes an eternal bond, which no one is able to break, not even God Himself, because it is of Him and not of man.
Dear friend,
May this year 2013 be the most glorious in your life.
God’s call on this ministry is not just to make you feel good, preach or teach, but above all to open the realm of the heavenly peace. This peace, unlike any other peace, heals and restores. What you are about to receive are pearls of great value. How do I know that? Here is the story.
From time to time I experience visitations from heaven. And, regardless how one might want to interpret “my claims” this is my testimony and my testimony is true. What the Lord Jesus reveals to me is not an everyday occurrence. He comes at special seasons and when He does; He gives me the understanding that one chapter in my life has been completed and another is opening up. In the middle of the night, sometimes around 3 or 4 AM His presence fills the house. Our humble abode glistens. It is not a physical light, but indeed an illumination of our spirit and mind.
God loves sharing. The more we share the better, because the Spirit of Life must flow from one vessel to another. Holding things inside is never good, for God did not make us to be into our selves; hence from birth we learn to nurture and share. An information exchange can either glorify or demean us. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with being glorious it is God’s will to glorify you, but in His glory and never your own.
[John 17:22] “The glory which You have given Me I have given to them, that they may be one, just as We are one.
[John 14:12] Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.
A pious humility, and self abasing practices, feeling unworthy etc., is not from our heavenly Father, but from religion. The spirit of religion may keep you in bondage to the point of blindness.
If heaven experienced rebellion (of Lucifer) and the casting out of heaven of one third of angels, then this intelligent question makes one think: how do you count one third from a myriad? How can you expel a spirit, wind, and flame out of a limitless and space-less realm? You can expel someone from a club, house, or a church, which means a building with doors and thresholds, which means that beyond the door and threshold is another space and territory. Passing from one enclosure into another. If heaven were unstable than why would God ask us to trust Him and be stable? If heaven already has or will experience upheavals, rebellions or wars; than why in John 14:27 Jesus tells us to not be troubled nor fearful but to embrace His kind of peace; is there another heaven or realm of complete peace?
Do not be afraid to ask these questions for without them you will be stuck in man’s religion, just as you would be stuck with that pill a doctor prescribed to you. Yet, beyond the pill, the doctor and human knowledge is our Creator who works miracles today and loves to lift His children from obscurity and any fleshly bondages, which are too often misplaced beliefs in the power of medical science or otherwise.
The kingdom of peace is here and it is sealed with words that speak of this kingdom not just in logical terms.
We ate of the Tree of Knowledge (good and evil) of contrasts; one knowledge or awareness of anything positive and the other of something negative. We ate first the negative fruits and reaped the consequences. Each fruit has a seed, which when planted can produce a tree of the same kind. It’s time to learn the other knowledge that comes from the same tree – the knowledge of good; and not only consume the fruits, but plant their inner core’s seed each in others. Your righteousness is not to be enjoyed all by yourself and then be proud for being a ‘good boy and girl’, but above all to plant the seed of righteousness in others.
The Hebrew word SHALOM is much more than just peace. In that word alone we have all the blessings God has prepared for us; hence, the last word in the benediction of Aaron (Numbers 6:22-26) is PEACE. God can’t wait to bless you. But, think and imagine; you need money and more money, better health, more fun and joy. That’s normal. Now, imagine that you have it all. All that you have wished for is there. Palm trees… the tropics… you have been there already, but it all ends and then you return to what? There we stop. It all depends on what you return to from your vacation. If God was not with you on your vacation, but only the physical senses, drinks, dancing, beach and sunsets; you return to only the absence of these things: sun, sea breeze, swimming, exploring, playing, waiters serving you food and exotic drinks, perhaps spa, massage relaxation etc. All temporary things, which are fine, we need these things, but those who made these things their reality only hasten their demise. One of those guys was the actor Marlon Brando, who bought himself an Island just to be lazy. During his lazy days he thought of nothing else but much of the same, so he ballooned and died. Before he died he came across as proud and conceited. When there is nothing more than just the natural elements, sun, beach, sex, drink and food then we stuff ourselves with the pride of life, which destroys us.
There is a higher way, so high that some—who look at their own natural abilities—doubt that they can ever reach those heights I am about to reveal.
By way of a reminder: 1 John 1:8-10 speaks of the start of our journey, which starts with sin confession. 1 John 5:18 ends with being born of God the Spirit and not sinning anymore; and here many “theologians” get blocked and can go no further. They say that it will never happen, for they will always sin ... they imagine. Obviously something makes them say it, perhaps it is the sin they have fallen in love with?
Sin is the way of pain and that’s what God seeks to save us from. Harm. He does not want you to suffer one single second of your entire life. He seeks to lift you up to His reality and so He uses all sorts of tools and channels jus to make you think, speak, decide and practice. He beckons you. He invites you. He wants you to drill His Kingdom like you would drill the ground searching for water. His love for you is immense. His care is enormous. He is both the Father and Mother, a nurturer, bestower of gifts and lavisher of only the most glorious and sublime.
Here are just few of the “drill bits” that bore into the realm of positive thinking: Abundant Admirable Adorable Affluent Agreeable Alert Aligned Alive Amazing Appealing Appreciate Artistic Astounding Attentive Attractive Auspicious Authentic Awake Aware Beaming Beautiful Best Blessed Bliss Bold Bright Brilliant Brisk Buoyant Calm Capable Centered Certain Charming Cheerful Clear Clever Competent Complete Confident Connected Conscious Considerate Convenient Courageous Creative Daring Dazzling Delicious Delightful Desirable Determined Diligent Discerning Discover Dynamic Eager Easy Efficient Effortless Elegant Eloquent Energetic Endless Enhancing Engaging Enormous Enterprising Enthusiastic Enticing Excellent Exceptional Exciting Experienced Exquisite Fabulous Fair Far-Sighted Fascinating Fine Flourishing Fortunate Free Friendly Fulfilled Fun Generous Genuine Gifted Glorious Glowing Good Graceful Gracious Grand Great Happy Harmonious Healed Healthy Helpful Honest Humorous Ideal Imaginative Impressive Industrious Ingenious Innovative Inspired Intelligent Interested Interesting Intuitive Inventive Invincible Inviting Irresistible Joyous Judicious Keen Kind Knowing Limitless Lively Loving Lucky Luminous Magnificent Marvelous Masterful Mighty Miraculous Motivated Natural Neat Nice Nurturing Noble Optimistic Outstanding Passionate Peaceful Perfect Persevering Persistent Playful Pleasing Plentiful Positive Powerful Precious Prepared Productive Profound Prompt Prosperous Proud Qualified Quick Radiant Reasonable Refined Refreshing Relaxing Reliable Remarkable Resolute Resourceful Respected Rewarding Robust Safe Satisfied Secure Sensible Sensitive Serene Sharing Skillful Smart Smashing Smooth Sparkling Spiritual Splendid Strong Stunning Successful Superb Swift Talented Tenacious Terrific Thankful Thrilling Thriving Timely Trusting Truthful Ultimate Unique Valuable Versatile Vibrant Victorious Vigorous Vivacious Vivid Warm Wealthy Well Whole Wise Wonderful Worthy Youthful Zeal Zest.
But there is another list of thoughts and words that penetrate God’s Kingdom and His nature. Some of them are: caring, nurturing, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, humility, conscientiousness, consideration, patience, forbearing, healing, touching, blessing, appreciating, praising, thanking, giving, investing, hugging, kissing, rejoicing, favor, bestowing, beloved, excellence, holy zeal, righteousness, lavishing, forgiveness, peacemakers, sons of God, children-like, innocence, etc. The list is endless, but these are the drill bids we should always use. These are keys that open the gates of unsurpassed happiness. It is yes and amen.
‘If you would only discipline your thoughts, tongue and actions; you would enter this realm’ Jesus has revealed to me that fateful night. He said, “If you would only discipline your words caliber, how you speak and communicate, abstaining from all negativism you will become sublime in a very short time, provided that you passionately apply yourself in this task. This is your decision and choice. Choose life, which is in you already.”
Very quickly Jesus brought to my attention two verses. (It’s good to know the Bible.)
[Jeremiah 15:19 KJV] Therefore thus saith the LORD, If thou return, then will I bring thee again, and thou shalt stand before me: and if thou take forth the precious from the vile, thou shalt be as my mouth: let them return unto thee; but return not thou unto them.
[Deuteronomy 30:12] It is not in heaven, that you should say, ‘who will go up to heaven for us to get it for us and make us hear it (…) 14. But the word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart. 15. See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, and death and adversity (…) 19. I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse.
It is all in you my friend. Tap into it today. But you may ask me, “how?” There is nothing to do. No hard work. It is the same like filling your mind with sensual novels, crime, violence, empty gossip, but in the opposite way. Instead of dwelling on something negative, sick, and killing things dwell on life and its improvement; dwell on anything uplifting with thanksgiving. Use self-discipline for your thought processes and watch over the gate of your mouth. What comes out is usually what already has come in even since your childhood and also from your predecessors. Certain expressions have made it into your vocabulary and perhaps you have stopped paying attention to these often very negative expressions. ‘By our words we are justified or condemned’ Jesus said in Matthew 12:37. Suppression of anything bad or fighting against is a form of competition between one bad thing versus another bad thing and each thing claims to be better than the other. Thus, through this combative attitude we only promote war. One declared war against another war leads to an inner war, which on the surface looks calm and composed, but utter devastation is the result of war. For a short period people use wisdom, but often too late. Death, starvation, disease, destruction… Then come sentiments like revenge, animosity, feelings of injustice, prejudice, unforgiveness, hatred… These remain in another war zone, which is on the inside.
Through these letters the Lord provides us with keys to the door of complete peace – outer and inner. This year (2013) is the year of Joseph, the 13th tribe of Israel. In that tribe are Ephraim and Manasseh, but above all the Great Prince of Peace, Lord Jesus and He is ready to heal you.
Now, it is true that on a political level, people must fight defensive wars, but that’s the reality on the ground. Within this world’s masses, which is the field (Matthew 13:38), there are the war-makers, aggressors, thieves and killers; and had there been no laws, these types would make this life most miserable, but there are also the peacemakers, and that’s you and me. We change the course of this world, politically and through our message. If we do nothing, we would also let ourselves be destroyed.
We, as peacemakers, must take the reigns in our hands. When we relax our grip the destroyers, in their greed, will pollute this planet and bring ruin. So, no matter on what level we function: political, artistic or religious we must look after the needs of those most vulnerable; especially for our children and their future. This is our mission in this world, for as long as Abraham’s Nephew Lot resided in Sodom the twin cities stood, but in terms of righteousness he hardly exerted any influence on others. Had it not been for Abraham’s intercession Lot and his family would have perhaps perished. There were not even ten righteous. You might say that all of us are unrighteous, then if that’s so than we are all doomed for destruction. I am righteous. My wife is righteous and I know that you are too. We meet the standard requirements of God’s righteousness (because of Jesus).
[Ezekiel 33:8] When I say to the wicked, ‘O wicked man, you will surely die,’ and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require from your hand. 9“But if you on your part warn a wicked man to turn from his way and he does not turn from his way, he will die in his iniquity, but you have delivered your life.
We are peacemakers and we must spread God’s peace and teach others. If we don’t then we will have to run to safer places, but any territory of decency and any righteousness that’s still left will drastically shrink. So, where will you run? If you do nothing then who will – tares or the field?
Being against is a negative device; even when used against something bad. Pray FOR (not against) those who are against (persecute) you – Jesus said (Matthew 5:44). We grew up with wars, which runs in our DNA. War is part of our language and common expressions (‘dead end, my feet are killing me, I am dead serious, etc.’) Negative against negative perpetuate a state of unrest in your soul and then your soul is so frustrated that it wants to vent it all out. It is your mind that tries to vent those frustrations with words, and even with angry yells. People are boiling on the inside and that boiling pot only needs an opportunity to blow up and spill out its contents on others. For example: someone who takes him or herself for a smart theologian, a ‘know-it-all’ type, would lash out at someone who too quickly crashes his ‘important’ views. The pompous pride will make people explode. When self-control is not applied because there’s nothing better inside that can be used, people burst out in anger. That’s how marriages go down, families get divided and also church fellowships. And they way of peace they have not known and still do not know nor ever want to know (Isaiah 59:8 Romans 3:17).
On that fateful night about 3 AM Jesus said to me, “If you abstain from any counterparts—even to emphasize a point, which you are making in your speech or teaching—you will drill deep into the supernatural realm. As long as you use counterparts like contrasts, something of the plus and then of the minus, then you will keep on “eating” (use) from both types of the Tree of Knowledge. The secret is to not “eat” of anything negative at all, which is quite a challenge, but if you discipline your mind and your mouth you will only sharpen your drill and proceed faster and will drill deeper in My Kingdom.”
This opened up to me a brand new chapter, which I will share with you throughout the year 2013. This knowledge belongs only to the supporters of this ministry. Your support makes an eternal bond, which no one is able to break, not even God Himself, because it is of Him and not of man.
Dr. Joseph Luxum

- J.Luxum
- A long time resident of Jerusalem Joseph Luxum synchronizes the Bible and makes it into one logical sense, but often outside any well-tread paths of theology. His writings help to open the reader’s mind to things not yet considered.
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