Few thoughts on freedom

Moses himself judged the people until Jethro his father-in-law arrived and taught Moses how to organize. The leaders and elders of each tribe were then appointed and given the power to judge the people. Although it was wearisome to Moses to be the only one doing the ministry of counseling, solving disputes and rendering judgments; yet, hierarchical structures although convenient they do infringe on freedom. Over time the lesser on the hierarchical ladder, like a mouse under a broom, has to respectfully submit to the upper. Comparisons of self-worth, ambitions and individual egos created gossips and backstabbing inclinations. Man entered the realm of bondage and still learns the ropes of this system.

Slavery, servitude—as some within the hierarchical structures view them—tend to suppress the natural joyous love and altruism. Many try to get out from this turning mill by doing charity and then they broadcast it just to show to others how good and important it is to forsake the corporate (capitalistic) bondage and do gracious charity. Outward charity is good for it invites and involves more people, but charity must be in the heart and  as natural as drinking water and eating the daily bread.

Another thought
God’s true nature

The Philistines ruled and oppressed Israel. No Israelite could sharpen an iron tool without a Philistine supervision. Israelites went to Philistia to repair and sharpen their farming tools. They cried to the LORD and He heard them just as He heard their cries in Egypt. God’s nature is freedom and grace. Anyone calling to Him out of bondage God will be heard; He most certainly will answer. God raised up Samson, Gideon and other deliverers and they succeeded, but bondage returned anyway. 

Many people go to church out of fascination for its structure. It excites the human psyche to be part of an organization. Membership, voice and influence that might steer an establishment in another direction indeed excites the psyche, but never the spirit. Many belong to a church for those reasons alone. And again self-worth and importance comes to play a role. ... Who knows the Pastor better, where one sits and what one does and what rank one has; who is more anointed; who is up and who is down, etc. ... 

The liberating Word has but little to do in the hearts of those who are bound with the pride of self-worth. And yet the self has but a little value. It is there for decisions making purposes; to move from one place to another; therefore for the use of our will. That’s it. Self, when cherished, catered to and fed will eventually become a tyrant. One does not know that one is actually in bondage to self and its despotic rule.

Not the Almighty

The Israelites watched their enemies and oppressors and concluded that they are successful because of royalty. A king had an army and from time to time he went on raids of the neighboring countries. When victorious, oppression was the tool used in subjugating another people. Taxation, tributes, slavery and forced labors paid for the expenses of keeping an army; these enriched the king and build up the country.  The Israelites wanted a king too.

[1Samuel 8:6-7] But the thing was displeasing in the sight of Samuel when they said, “Give us a king to judge us.” And Samuel prayed to the LORD. The LORD said to Samuel, “Listen to the voice of the people in regard to all that they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me from being king over them.

The Israelites again started to give up the territory that belonged the worship of the only one God the Spirit and were about to exchange Him for a flesh-and-blood human being. It started in Egypt, and then came liberation, possession of the Promised Land and then a free living under God.

Why was God hurt or rather grieved? God cannot get hurt because He is not a fleshly God nor is He a target one can hit; however, God has a soul. His Spirit and His soul are also ours. We have a soul that relates to our natural man, but we also have the godly soul that relates to the spiritual man. Our inability to spiritually and naturally fellowship with God has to do with a territory we have given up and eventually lost. To regain that habitation place, that realm and the dwelling of His presence can only be restored through a thorough deep repentance. A repentance that does not stop until one has reached God’s heart and until He has answered. When He responds then an engulfing light permeates one’s being and one knows; one is aware of being in His arms. He is there when you call on Him. He is there when you feel oppressed and when pour out your heart to Him.  The Liberator sends an army of angels who bring the most glorious properties of liberation. One is then bundled up in His love, joy and peace beyond the scope of human imagination.

Another thought
God’s presence

When God speaks face-to-face, cheek-to-cheek (Hebrew, panim l’ panim) mouth-to-mouth to someone then His back is elsewhere.

[Exodus 33:17] The LORD said to Moses, “I will also do this thing of which you have spoken; for you have found favor in My sight and I have known you by name.”

“I have known you by name.” Was that name Moses? We have a special name, which serves as a push button for those angels assigned only to the bearer of that name. My name is like Levi and Benjamin combined. Levi means attached and Benjamin son of the LORD’s right hand. (My parents gave me two names Lech (Hebrew for go or going, a name I stopped using) and Benjamin. When you combine these two meanings (Levi and Benjamin) you will have an impression of the heavenly meaning a name only known to God Himself. Just as the ineffable name of the LORD (YHVH) on the earth is inexpressible so it is with your and my names also. God’s name can be wonderfully and perfectly expressed, but only in heaven and so it is with your and my true name. But on this physical plane of God’s Universe our mouth and tongue are incapable of formulating these names. So God knew Moses by the spiritual extension of his true name. It is marvelous. To know this alone elevates on to spheres of the Spirit. God’s favor toward Moses was based on the knowledge of Moses’ name.

[Exodus 33:18-19] Then Moses said, “I pray You, show me Your glory!” And He said, “I Myself will make all My goodness pass before you, and will proclaim the name of the LORD before you; and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show compassion on whom I will show compassion.”

God is selective. He is not after the masses. When it appears that He is it is never for the masses’ sake but for the individual amongst the masses.

[Jonah 4:6-11] So the LORD God appointed a plant and it grew up over Jonah to be a shade over his head to deliver him from his discomfort. And Jonah was extremely happy about the plant. But God appointed a worm when dawn came the next day and it attacked the plant and it withered. When the sun came up God appointed a scorching east wind, and the sun beat down on Jonah’s head so that he became faint and begged with all his soul to die, saying, “Death is better to me than life.” Then God said to Jonah, “Do you have good reason to be angry about the plant?” And he said, “I have good reason to be angry, even to death.” Then the LORD said, “You had compassion on the plant for which you did not work and which you did not cause to grow, which came up overnight and perished overnight.Should I not have compassion on Nineveh, the great city in which there are more than 120,000 persons who do not know the difference between their right and left hand, as well as many animals?

Among the people of Nineveh there were those special individuals God was after. God showed Jonah His dimensions. Just for the prophet alone God grew a tree for a shade in the scorching sun. Then He appointed a worm to eat the tree and it withered. Jonah was only a messenger and not the aim; the aim was Nineveh.

To set them totally free

God is looking for those that are bound up and He seeks to liberate them. He really does, for that is His nature. But strangely, human bondage is a complex thing. When freedom arrives fear takes over. One wants to be sure that the new is correct, but against another canvas upon which something was already painted and set in permanency.

Forsaking the old picture is hard because one is not free, one is bound up with the old, dead and stale and the new (one was told) is dangerous, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light (they quote from 1 Cor. 11:14 without understanding Paul's true meaning) and one remains in bondage.

The price has not been paid, but what price? The price of intelligence; an investigative effort to think on one's own feet without echoing another authority by which one has been influenced and bound to. One has already accepted something with which one also got indoctrinated and that indoctrination contains a sting of fear; almost like a barbed-wire sharp fence. This fencing in comes from the 'fleshly farmer' like a man who hordes animals and keeps them fenced in. The same people do to other people using often an usurped religious authority. One example is Luther, Calvin and Zwingli who were building their empires by continuing with the Catholic way of baptizing babies. Zwingli branded those who believed in adult baptism of a believer as Anabaptists and he severely persecuted them.

Forms of baptism became a weapon of war; one contains bondage but the other freedom. You know which one is which. 

The freedom to choose through better knowing and not blind indoctrination and blind belief is what God is after. But the religious leaders of that time would have nothing to do with freedom; they went as far as telling people that when a not baptized baby dies it will not go to heaven.

So an infant goes to hell because its parents failed to sprinkle? That indeed a bondage of the highest caliber!  Woe to those who used their itching flesh to imprison those whom God seek to set free!!!

Those that indoctrinate others build those fences, but often subconsciously being unaware that they actually do it. That's is the old and still unredeemed and very much bound up nature. Bondage propagtes the same.

Don't you be the one who does likewise for you will never know God and you will never be free.

I hope that I gave you plenty of food for thought here.

4 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    (Quote)" Our inability to spiritually and naturally fellowship with God has to do with a territory we have given up and eventually lost."
    Oh yes, - we have given up the territory that belonged the worship of the only one God( like the Israelites had done); we have given up the possession of the Promised Land and a free living under God. Why? Because our king is the "SELF" and not The Almighty.
    Yes, we need this deep repentance that does not stop until one has reached God’s heart and until He has answered.
    Thank you so much for given plenty of food for thought!

  2. Unknown says:

    How glorious the Liberty is emphasized by the bondage we have experienced. I am sorry that some miss the point and cannot see the beauty. I have no mystical devils or hell in me anymore. I know I am still need still much healing but I know where to go and to whom. Some blame God and some blame Him indirectly. There is no need for blame but enjoy the liberation. I think however it would even be better to blame Him if you need someone to blame, but tell Him you are angry. It would be better to do that that keep blaming some mystical devil because you never come to the point of healing but just keep groveling on the ground and never knowing the Almighty. Thank you for sharing the beauty Benjamin you live and see.

  3. Exactly.

    We should complain to God directly, but this complaining is always out of the poverty of our knowledge of Him and of His ways, which are miraculous; but He does not mind as long as we grow in Him.

    At whatever point of growth we are He will meet us at.

  4. J.Luxum says:

    God gives us plenty of opportunities to repent, which means turning back to Him with all of our heart and soul and without reservations.

    I know what I have experienced on that awesome day in Jerusalem and it has never left me. God's realm is as clear as crystal and most bright. All can have the same.

    One man who has read my book on repentance and told me as to how hard for him is to repent. I know this hardness. But I also know that this hardness can be broken. One must be even angry and determined to break through and have it done once and for all. This anger against the Old Adam, against all bondages, whims, mood swings, inexplicable wants and desires that bind must be like madness and fury.

    That's what I have done all by myself and God met me there and He lifted me beyond mortal boundaries.

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