Posted by J.Luxum in
I grew up in Poland in a city of Łódź. My mother worked as a nurse and my father was a tailor. He did most of his work from home and it was him who attended to the needs of us children (one daughter and three sons). I was a somewhat troubled child, often encountering nightmares and it was my dad who would come into my room, calm me down and put me back to sleep after I had been awakened by another disturbing dream. My oldest half brother, the son of my father’s first wife, was miraculously saved during the Siberian exile where his mother died when he was a baby. Stalin, in his paranoia, was ‘cleansing the mother Russia’ by killing and exiling millions of people. The frozen wastelands of Siberia were used to house the criminals and all those deemed as ‘enemies of the state’—the rich and the prominent. Most of these people died from disease whilst the younger ones were put through the communist ideological brainwashing program.
My brother was found at the age of seven, seemingly by accident, he was no longer normal, for not only was he brainwashed to the point of calling Stalin his actual father, but he was also abused and often intoxicated with ‘Samogon’—the Russian home-brew vodka, which in many cases proved to be poisonous.
As is often the case between siblings, my older brother liked to antagonize me with his many pranks. I guess both his weak nerves and my own fragile nature created an atmosphere that had a somewhat negative effect on my nightly rest. The stories of WW II and how my parents managed to survive, the secret police spying on my father’s activities etc., were too much for me to bear. Nightmares and restless nights were the result.
During my puberty years I lacked the guidance of someone to educate and instill within me a positive understanding that it was God Himself who made me function the way I did. Actually anything to do with sexuality I perceived as bad, unclean, and downright demonic. Slowly this mixture of false ideas and mental imaginations turned into an emotional nitroglycerin and I was afraid to fall asleep.
I saw snakes, scorpions and demons and one day I had a most dreadful dream; I found myself falling into an abyss hearing screams like “there is no God!” “There is no salvation!” “No heaven!” I was being dragged down into flames and dense smoke by most horrifying creatures. Sometimes when I slept in a cot I perplexedly fell to the ground and the bed flipped over and landed on top of me. Drenched in sweat, trembling and greatly terrified I remained on the floor.
I remember one distressed night I imagined that ‘Lucifer’ himself entered my room. It felt as if I was awake, yet what was taking place could not be rationally explained. Standing in the doorway this creature was talking to me in an audible voice. He wore a sombrero type of hat, a long black raincoat and in his hand he held a cane. Back in Poland we call such a cane ‘shpitzroot’. With a gargling voice he said, “sing and play ‘rock ‘n roll’ for me.” I shouted, ‘NEVER!’ and threw a table at him chasing him until he passed through a bolted door. As I hurriedly tried to open the locks I heard his footsteps on the other side. Once I finally managed to open the door; I realized that I had been dreaming again.
As time passed by I experienced very little change in my life. All that I had been told about the ‘devil’ alongside my parents’ awful discomforting stories of war had a profound effect on my life to the point where I decided to search for the truth on my own. From that point on I spent a lot of time in prayer and became an avid student of the Bible. I was desperate for any information that might bring not only liberation, but also a real true peace. All the doctrines I had heard about demons, Satan, the devil and such as the casting down of a third of his angels had greatly influenced my conscious and subconscious thinking and had gripped me with fear.
In all of this the Bible remained my comfort. I found it easy to identify myself with King David and the Book of Psalms. But I was yet to learn that David’s enemies weren’t demons or some nightmarish creatures (as they had been for me), but flesh-and-blood people.
After I saturated my soul with God’s comfort, one night I said; “Lord I come under your wings of mercy.” - All of a sudden a flash of revelation penetrated my mind - like a beam of light illuminating a dark room. Bible verses started to come alive: You will not be afraid of the terror by night, or of the arrow that flies by day (Psalms 91:5). Keep me as the apple of the eye; Hide me in the shadow of Thy wings (Psalms 17:8). Let me dwell in Thy tent forever; Let me take refuge in the shelter of Thy wings (Psalms 61:4).
There was the night of my breakthrough; once more I was awakened and disturbed in my sleep, but the Psalms took hold of my spirit and I was able to quote them. I placed my trust in the All-Mighty One and His words just rolled over and I went to sleep in total peace. This was the beginning of my awakening to the truth. Illusion gradually disappeared and only truth remained.
Today I cannot substantiate any of my claims to my former visions. I cannot confirm the particular hell which I saw, neither do I want you to believe in those snakes and scorpions that I saw crawling all over me. For instance, I cannot claim that Lucifer is real just because I saw his image and believed that it was the figure which we have come to understand as Lucifer in our modern Christian thinking, in fact, I am convinced that Lucifer—as we understand him nowadays—does not even exist.
What I saw was the result of mind-seducing stories, passed on from mouth to mouth, as well as fantasies of heavenly struggles, which originated in the pagan world from Egypt to Assyria, Babylon, Greece and Rome. This mixture of pagan plurality and Jewish duality was reprocessed through the Gnostic movement. Consequently, fantasies of heavenly wars landed in the New Testament and Christian theology recycled them again until they finished up in all-night prayer battles called ‘spiritual warfare’.
Since knowledge is always increasing, its newly formed frame can no longer hold the old picture. The old frame, painted by means of symbols and metaphors of the ancient mind, is far too small to contain the big futuristic picture. The human mind is too frail to comprehend God’s full, direct and sudden revelation therefore He graciously gives us gradual revelation.
Daniel, when he saw the future - although just a fragment - had gotten sick and stayed in bed for days, simply because it was too much to bear. On Mount Sinai, while still receiving God’s commandments, Moses was slowly being changed by the brightness of Gods glory; and had he stayed a little longer he would have most likely turned into that very light which he was absorbing. When Moses came down from the mountain his body was literally shining.
The determination of a person’s physical state depends on the type of information one receives. If the information is spiritually uplifting the receptor is also uplifted, just as Moses was. But, if it is negative and frightening, it can make one mentally and physically sick.
The condition of our health depends on the type of information that passes through our mind and soul and the inspiration we derive therefrom. Judging from my current activities I am convinced that God in His Sovereignty prepared me for this present-day revelation. Now I know that for the sake of clarity and understanding I had to go through a shaping process to be liberated from the seducing arm of the flesh.
This book aims to take pagan beliefs out of your mind—as seducing and frightening as they can be—and replace them with God’s peace, perfect confidence by trusting in His absolute sovereignty. I pray that God, through this book, provides you with clarity and the opportunity to have your faith in Him strengthened.
Something new is often hard to swallow, for often outdated theological structures become strongholds in people’s minds; obstacles that prevent many from coming directly to the Father. "But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you shut off the kingdom of heaven from men; for you do not enter in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in” (Matthew 23:13).
Only the spiritual principality has changed: instead of the Jewish Pharisaic spirit we have the Christian equivalent today. The controlling instrument this spirit of religion exercises over timid folk must be challenged so that we may become as brand-new wineskins (Matthew 9:16-17).
My brother was found at the age of seven, seemingly by accident, he was no longer normal, for not only was he brainwashed to the point of calling Stalin his actual father, but he was also abused and often intoxicated with ‘Samogon’—the Russian home-brew vodka, which in many cases proved to be poisonous.
As is often the case between siblings, my older brother liked to antagonize me with his many pranks. I guess both his weak nerves and my own fragile nature created an atmosphere that had a somewhat negative effect on my nightly rest. The stories of WW II and how my parents managed to survive, the secret police spying on my father’s activities etc., were too much for me to bear. Nightmares and restless nights were the result.
During my puberty years I lacked the guidance of someone to educate and instill within me a positive understanding that it was God Himself who made me function the way I did. Actually anything to do with sexuality I perceived as bad, unclean, and downright demonic. Slowly this mixture of false ideas and mental imaginations turned into an emotional nitroglycerin and I was afraid to fall asleep.
I saw snakes, scorpions and demons and one day I had a most dreadful dream; I found myself falling into an abyss hearing screams like “there is no God!” “There is no salvation!” “No heaven!” I was being dragged down into flames and dense smoke by most horrifying creatures. Sometimes when I slept in a cot I perplexedly fell to the ground and the bed flipped over and landed on top of me. Drenched in sweat, trembling and greatly terrified I remained on the floor.
I remember one distressed night I imagined that ‘Lucifer’ himself entered my room. It felt as if I was awake, yet what was taking place could not be rationally explained. Standing in the doorway this creature was talking to me in an audible voice. He wore a sombrero type of hat, a long black raincoat and in his hand he held a cane. Back in Poland we call such a cane ‘shpitzroot’. With a gargling voice he said, “sing and play ‘rock ‘n roll’ for me.” I shouted, ‘NEVER!’ and threw a table at him chasing him until he passed through a bolted door. As I hurriedly tried to open the locks I heard his footsteps on the other side. Once I finally managed to open the door; I realized that I had been dreaming again.
As time passed by I experienced very little change in my life. All that I had been told about the ‘devil’ alongside my parents’ awful discomforting stories of war had a profound effect on my life to the point where I decided to search for the truth on my own. From that point on I spent a lot of time in prayer and became an avid student of the Bible. I was desperate for any information that might bring not only liberation, but also a real true peace. All the doctrines I had heard about demons, Satan, the devil and such as the casting down of a third of his angels had greatly influenced my conscious and subconscious thinking and had gripped me with fear.
In all of this the Bible remained my comfort. I found it easy to identify myself with King David and the Book of Psalms. But I was yet to learn that David’s enemies weren’t demons or some nightmarish creatures (as they had been for me), but flesh-and-blood people.
After I saturated my soul with God’s comfort, one night I said; “Lord I come under your wings of mercy.” - All of a sudden a flash of revelation penetrated my mind - like a beam of light illuminating a dark room. Bible verses started to come alive: You will not be afraid of the terror by night, or of the arrow that flies by day (Psalms 91:5). Keep me as the apple of the eye; Hide me in the shadow of Thy wings (Psalms 17:8). Let me dwell in Thy tent forever; Let me take refuge in the shelter of Thy wings (Psalms 61:4).
There was the night of my breakthrough; once more I was awakened and disturbed in my sleep, but the Psalms took hold of my spirit and I was able to quote them. I placed my trust in the All-Mighty One and His words just rolled over and I went to sleep in total peace. This was the beginning of my awakening to the truth. Illusion gradually disappeared and only truth remained.
Today I cannot substantiate any of my claims to my former visions. I cannot confirm the particular hell which I saw, neither do I want you to believe in those snakes and scorpions that I saw crawling all over me. For instance, I cannot claim that Lucifer is real just because I saw his image and believed that it was the figure which we have come to understand as Lucifer in our modern Christian thinking, in fact, I am convinced that Lucifer—as we understand him nowadays—does not even exist.
What I saw was the result of mind-seducing stories, passed on from mouth to mouth, as well as fantasies of heavenly struggles, which originated in the pagan world from Egypt to Assyria, Babylon, Greece and Rome. This mixture of pagan plurality and Jewish duality was reprocessed through the Gnostic movement. Consequently, fantasies of heavenly wars landed in the New Testament and Christian theology recycled them again until they finished up in all-night prayer battles called ‘spiritual warfare’.
Since knowledge is always increasing, its newly formed frame can no longer hold the old picture. The old frame, painted by means of symbols and metaphors of the ancient mind, is far too small to contain the big futuristic picture. The human mind is too frail to comprehend God’s full, direct and sudden revelation therefore He graciously gives us gradual revelation.
Daniel, when he saw the future - although just a fragment - had gotten sick and stayed in bed for days, simply because it was too much to bear. On Mount Sinai, while still receiving God’s commandments, Moses was slowly being changed by the brightness of Gods glory; and had he stayed a little longer he would have most likely turned into that very light which he was absorbing. When Moses came down from the mountain his body was literally shining.
The determination of a person’s physical state depends on the type of information one receives. If the information is spiritually uplifting the receptor is also uplifted, just as Moses was. But, if it is negative and frightening, it can make one mentally and physically sick.
The condition of our health depends on the type of information that passes through our mind and soul and the inspiration we derive therefrom. Judging from my current activities I am convinced that God in His Sovereignty prepared me for this present-day revelation. Now I know that for the sake of clarity and understanding I had to go through a shaping process to be liberated from the seducing arm of the flesh.
This book aims to take pagan beliefs out of your mind—as seducing and frightening as they can be—and replace them with God’s peace, perfect confidence by trusting in His absolute sovereignty. I pray that God, through this book, provides you with clarity and the opportunity to have your faith in Him strengthened.
Something new is often hard to swallow, for often outdated theological structures become strongholds in people’s minds; obstacles that prevent many from coming directly to the Father. "But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, because you shut off the kingdom of heaven from men; for you do not enter in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in” (Matthew 23:13).
Only the spiritual principality has changed: instead of the Jewish Pharisaic spirit we have the Christian equivalent today. The controlling instrument this spirit of religion exercises over timid folk must be challenged so that we may become as brand-new wineskins (Matthew 9:16-17).
Dr. Joseph Luxum

- J.Luxum
- A long time resident of Jerusalem Joseph Luxum synchronizes the Bible and makes it into one logical sense, but often outside any well-tread paths of theology. His writings help to open the reader’s mind to things not yet considered.
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