Love, joy and peace are like contagious fuels. The oil reserves upon our planet are so huge they seem inexhaustible, so imagine how much fuel you must contain. Set a match to it and burn what God has deposited in you. This energy supply is endless and when it is only being stored and conserved it brings the inevitable - death. But when it is used for God’s glory then death (absence of life) can be eluded. Death is preventable for it is no longer up to you, but to Him who made you.
Imagine God being the blinding light and you are His extension being the shaft of light. Moses stayed with God so long on Mt. Sinai that his body started to gleam. Had he stayed longer he would be God’s light extension. So imagine, all of a sudden the Israelites looked up to the mountain from which a beam of bright light started to engulf the Israelite camp. And then imagine that beam coming closer to them as Moses walks down from the mountain. As it approaches the camp it blinds the people, who fall on the ground or hide behinds rocks unable to bear that light, yet that light is Moses. Some would perhaps worship Moses had it not been for the fact that he was only God’s light extension.
Imagine God being the blinding light and you are His extension being the shaft of light. Moses stayed with God so long on Mt. Sinai that his body started to gleam. Had he stayed longer he would be God’s light extension. So imagine, all of a sudden the Israelites looked up to the mountain from which a beam of bright light started to engulf the Israelite camp. And then imagine that beam coming closer to them as Moses walks down from the mountain. As it approaches the camp it blinds the people, who fall on the ground or hide behinds rocks unable to bear that light, yet that light is Moses. Some would perhaps worship Moses had it not been for the fact that he was only God’s light extension.

The mixture we have inherited is of man’s fleshly imaginations, but very little of the Truth, which comparing with what we know now is indeed very little. Just as a dull drill bit can’t drill through anything, so it is with this mixture. Either you sharpen the drill bit with only love, joy and peace, or leave it be. You can’t pray to God and rebuke the devil at the same time. You can’t help God heal the sick when you are praying while you are binding the imaginary foe.
This back and forth is of a mentally ill person and not the character of God’s son and daughter. However, this insanity we have inherited and so many seem to be unwilling to let go of, is a strange malady. We want to be rid of sickness because of its adverse affect on us, yet when it comes to dualism on one hand we hate it but on the other hold on to. It is like this: a mentally ill person in a mental asylum imagines to be Napoleon Bonaparte, while another imagines to be King Solomon the richest man that ever lived and another Christ incarnate. This skewed psychology is made of beliefs of grandeur, authority as that of being God's helper or even His heavenly warrior is too grand to part with. In many ways this crazy chip on our shoulder, which makes us feel as being God’s most decorated generals, has become a heavy log.
God sees it all and laughs from heaven, but He also sends some of His illustrious and illuminated servants to heal those who are mentally ill. But the problem is that often there is another lunatic running an asylum and he or she won’t let in the doctor lest he might cure not only the lunatic himself, but also those subdued with drugs (of passivity and confusion) mental patients.
This back and forth is of a mentally ill person and not the character of God’s son and daughter. However, this insanity we have inherited and so many seem to be unwilling to let go of, is a strange malady. We want to be rid of sickness because of its adverse affect on us, yet when it comes to dualism on one hand we hate it but on the other hold on to. It is like this: a mentally ill person in a mental asylum imagines to be Napoleon Bonaparte, while another imagines to be King Solomon the richest man that ever lived and another Christ incarnate. This skewed psychology is made of beliefs of grandeur, authority as that of being God's helper or even His heavenly warrior is too grand to part with. In many ways this crazy chip on our shoulder, which makes us feel as being God’s most decorated generals, has become a heavy log.
God sees it all and laughs from heaven, but He also sends some of His illustrious and illuminated servants to heal those who are mentally ill. But the problem is that often there is another lunatic running an asylum and he or she won’t let in the doctor lest he might cure not only the lunatic himself, but also those subdued with drugs (of passivity and confusion) mental patients.